Fix advertising Core Web vitals errors with BiddingStack

BiddingStack is an ad management platform for publishers to monetize and manage their ad inventory and demands in one place. You can fix advertising Core Web vitals errors with BiddingStack.

Fix advertising Core Web vitals errors with BiddingStack
Core Web vitals errors caused by advertising

BiddingStack provides more flexible features compared with Google Ad Manager. It integrate Google Ad Manager with prebid.js, Amazon APS and run them in one stack.

Dynamatic size advertising especifically programmatic ads, expanding advertising causes Core Web vitals errors and have negative impact on user experience.

Improve Core Web vitals scores with BiddingStack

BiddingStack fixes Core Web vitals errors on your website caused by advertising. You can see CWV scores improvement in real-time.

Non-blocking async and lazyload tag

BiddingStack tag is light weight, non-blocking, async. You can enable lazy loaded on slots and load it on demand only when it is needed.

Server side prebid solution

You can enable BiddingStack server side header bidding solution to further reduce the requests and improve CWV scores.

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