Manage Google Ad Manager intergration with BiddingStack

BiddingStack is an ad management platform for publishers to monetize and manage their ad inventory and demands in one place. You can manage Google Ad Manager with BiddingStack.

Manage Google Ad Manager intergration with BiddingStack
Manage Google Ad Manager intergration with BiddingStack

BiddingStack provides more flexible features compared with Google Ad Manager. It integrate Google Ad Manager with prebid.js, Amazon APS and run them in one stack.

You can define inventory of a website with BiddingStack and intergrate the inventory with Google Ad Manager for reporting or use the demand from GAM Open Bidding, Ad Exchange.

Pass KVP into Google Ad Manager

You can use BiddingStack API to pass Key-value pairs into Google Ad Manager for advanced inventory targeting.

Setup adhesion or sticky ads

You can use BiddingStack to manage and setup high viewable adhesion and sticky ads on your web pages.

Intergrate Google Ad Manager with SPA like React.js or Next.js applications

It is always complex to add Google Ad Manager tags on a Reactjs website. You can setup Google Ad Manager easily with the BiddingStack 'Ad Slot Discover' feature.

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